August 19, 2010

BROILER body weight

Weight loss upon reaching the age of sexual maturity should

shall be in accordance with the weight loss is recommended by breeders

(Chicken-producing company). If too much of a

recommended (too fat), generally leads to:

a. Fast reached sexual maturity (early ripe) eggs generally

first produced are small and after going through a period

new long diasilkan big egg.

b. High mortality rate.

c. Egg fertility decreased.

d. In males who are too fat or less capable in megawini


Relative to the above, as the handle for

weight control chickens that are kept can be compared

with a weight that is recommended by the breeder.

When the chickens are kept weight is too heavy (fat) then rations
provided should be limited / reduced so that the reduction
The recommended weight gain can be achieved. Weighing
This body can be done every week since the nut 4 weeks. Sample can
10% of each cage (sample not selected). Body weight in chickens
cage should be uniform weight and size for
uniformity can be calculated as follows:
The average weight of sample type broiler chickens was 2.60 kg. Deviation
weight ± 10% is still considered to be uniform, then

10/100 x 2.60 = 0.26 kg
So that is still considered to be uniform that is heavy between (2.60 + 0.26) kg -
(2.60 to 0.26) kg = (2.86 to 2.34) kg, and then calculated what percentage
weight of chicken that are between 2.34 to 2.86 kg and what percentage of
above / below the weight.
The more uniform weight of chickens that we keep (as recommended by breeders)
the fertility, hatchability and production, the better. As
benchmark to assess the uniformity that is still considered good enough
Benchmark Weight Uniformity in Various Age:

Age            uniformity with ± 10%

(Weeks)       of average weight

4-6            85-95%

7-11          80-85%

12-15         75-80%

> 20         80 - 85%

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