September 2, 2010

FREQUENCY marry than a chicken Stud

Retrieved Stud Management for High Fertility Marriage
in chickens usually occurs in the morning and afternoon, the frequency of mating
from a male, of which is influenced by:
(1). Social Behavior

If the male fear of females or other males who are in

group, then the marriage will be greatly reduced so that

fertility of eggs will also be low.
(2). Total Females Available

If females are available in sufficient quantities and preferred by

males, then the impetus to perform marriages in the male

very large.
(3). Environmental Temperature

If the ambient temperature in hot conditions (> 26oC), then

mating frequency will decrease because in this state chicken

will reduce its activity, for example by stretching wings

to release body heat.
(4). Quality Stud

In the period of marriage, should be considered correct about the quality of

males. Imferior males should be removed and replaced

with new males, because the eggs produced

low fertility. If males could not marry

the usual females married, should be excluded.
(5). Males Must Be Exercising Opportunity

Cages used for chicken hatching egg producers usually

slat and litter cage system especially for this type of broilers. This

This meant that the cock can go from floor to floor litter

slat and vice versa. Also with the feed placed

higher for males then when taking food

must lift his body and raised his neck so that it

This made for sport for the rooster.
Management of male chickens.

- Males who are not willing to marry immediately replace with


- Males unhealthy diafkir immediately and replaced with

new (insert manly preferably on dark day)

- Comparison of male to female should be fixed, so if excessive

must be removed and vice versa.

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