October 13, 2010


Not all fertilized eggs that can dieramkan, but there are some

of eggs are empty or dead. To distinguish it could

done by Candling (put eggs above lamp

and visits) of at least 72 hours after the egg dieramkan. Eggs are

fertile having a dark nature of yolk with a few vessels

blood that emanated from these spots, larger spot, more real

embryo inside. If the spot appears without the blood vessels

and accompanied by blood ring around it, the possibility of cell

sprouts were dead. For details can be seen in the picture.

In larger companies Candling is usually done on day 18,

along with moving the eggs from the setter to Hatcher. This

intended to save labor and do not interfere

eggs that are dieramkan, because to do Candling in

require large amounts of time long enough that results will

lower hatchability of eggs to another.

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