July 8, 2010

Beef cattle System (Part 2)

5. Water
Cattle require a supply of water each day, make preparations water regularly. If the cows do not drink enough, they will become more thin, weak and susceptible to disease.
6. Health
Keep the cow from wet or marshy areas. Clean cattle yard on a regular basis to prevent the spread of disease. Treat wounds that exist in cows quickly to prevent infection and the appearance of maggots. Separate the sick cow until cured to prevent the spread of disease.
To prevent and treat worm problem, give the mulberry leaf and papaya seeds on a regular basis. Take care of mother and chicks cow in a barn or yard that is protected from rain and high winds to reduce the possibility of calf disease. Cows need a sea salt as a source of minerals, provide always on a container and cattle would lick it when needed.
7. Cage
Cowshed can be a piece of land which are adjusted for the cattle and fenced off to impound cattle in the evening. This cage can be made near the cattle grazing land. Try to stay dry this cage, although in the rainy season. The cage can be made without a roof or shade, but if it made the roof will provide even more protection against cattle which in turn will further enhance the health of cattle.
With a cage made, will allow us to collect cow dung that can be used as fertilizer.- Fences to corral fence can be a life, whose leaves can be used as cattle feed.- Place of manufacture of compost can be made in cow dung making it easier for us to mix the ingredients that come from the cage.
Beef Products
Generally known that cows produce a lot of products that are beneficial to humans, such as meat, leather, milk, energy, asset wealth, the needs of traditional ceremonies, and fertilizer. Cow manure is suitable for use as fertilizer for crops. Instead, this dirt is dried or composted before use. (For more information about how to make compost, please see modules 4?? Land).
Integration with Other Systems For Beef cattle number of small, simple ways such as placing them and tied in place that we want can be done. Move cows as often as possible to prevent shortage of grass and soil compaction. Ensure availability of adequate water.
Cows with hall Agriculture
Cows can be placed in alleys between rows of plants. Row crops can include live fences, or the cultivation of crops such as fruit trees, and others. The hallways for cattle can be made as wide as 5-10 meters. The hall can also be rotated between cattle and crops, or cattle can be inserted into the hallway when the plants are higher so that cows can not reach the leaves. In the hallway of quality can be planted grass, trees as cattle feed, and plant medicines for livestock such as papaya and mulberry.
Cows are animals that weigh heavy! Do not let your land to be solid because it is too often trampled by cows. Processing of solid ground to land that will be more difficult.

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