September 4, 2010


Chickens have been said to have started production if its production has

reached 5% Hen-day. The things that are very important to note in

hatching egg production process, including concerns:

(1). Age Stud.

Males should not be used are aged less than 6

months and not more than 2 years, because if more than 2

in the ability of her wedding was much decreased.

(2). Comparison of Males by Females

In each type of chicken that have different abilities

the married females. In this type of chicken whose weight

high ability to marry females was lower than

with males of the type of chicken whose weight is small.

In this connection it is to obtain egg fertility

high, the ratio between males and females should

adjusted. For the mild type of chicken that is 1: 10-15, for

1 medium chicken type: 9 -10 and for chicken broiler type 1:


(3). Rations Giving Program

The diet on the parent, usually defined in

maintenance manual of the chicken issued

by breeders, both quality and quantity.

Feeder male parent is usually hung higher

so it is not affordable by females, where females feed

usually use the grill for males not to eat at a place


(4). Cage Density

Cage floor area for the parent producer of hatching eggs, it is necessary

provided more extensive than those of laying hens producing

egg consumption.

The more solid the chicken in a cage, then the fertility of eggs

produced will decrease.
(5). Weighing Weight Loss

In the production phase, the main producer of chicken eggs should

not too fat. The ways of controlling the same weight

such as weight control upon reaching adulthood


When the chickens are kept too fat, the diet

sebaikmya given less and when less than the weight

recommended, plus rations. Hens that are too

production is usually low fat and fat males

ability to lower his wedding.
(6). Cage.

For a cage is typically provided for 3-5 chickens

layer, depending on the large body of chicken. Cage floor

must wear thick husks ± 5 cm for eggs do not rupture or

crack. This cage must have been installed in the cage since

age 15 weeks. Cage should be placed at the

a secure enclosure.
(7). Egg Tray

Egg tray is a storage place

egg before it hatched. In

storage is usually the blunt

eggs laid on the top, for

hatchability did not decrease. For

maintaining sanitation at the time of chicken

production, then the egg tray before

used must dihapushamakan

(Sanitized). Similarly, employees

usually dihapushamakan.
(8). Egg retrieval

Eggs will be incubated at least should

weigh between 50-65 grams / grains, not more than age

7 days and come from the parent who at least age

28 weeks and not more than 72 weeks. Upon maturity

production, egg retrieval is performed twice at

09:00 and 14.00, but once the eggs begin hatching

egg retrieval is performed 4 times at 08.00, 10.00, 13.00,

14.00. After the egg retrieval is completed, immediately fumigated; for

no germs that enter the hatchery chamber.

(9). Management on litter floor system.

Litter clean and dry at this extremely maintenance

important, in addition to healthy chickens will also prevent chicken legs

not dirty, because if dirty will contaminate nests and eggs.

Dirty eggs are also often obtained when chickens lay eggs on the floor litter.

For eggs kekotorannya mild degree, can be cleaned

by brushing with paper cement, but when too dirty

should diafkir.

On condition that has been hard litter, litter nest already

thin, hatching eggs will be much to burst. It is therefore necessary

considered litter in the nest must be sufficiently thick and floor litter

already keras.segera replaced.

(10). Slats and litter cage system
Slats and litter cage system are widely used mainly for
hen broiler hatching egg producers. Part slat about 60%
and litter is 40%. If there are chickens that lay eggs in the slat must be taken immediately
because it will be easily broken or damaged, as well as when laying on the floor litter.

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