December 25, 2010

Antibiotic for Chickens

Antibiotics has become one part that supports the productivity of chicken, egg production and growth. The use of antibiotics has become a necessity in maintaining and restoring the health of chicken.
The complexity of the disease that attacks requires us to use antibiotics appropriately. Our understanding of antibiotics, either character or nature to the things that affect the working power antibiotics we must optimize.
The use of antibiotics can be likened to a double-edged knife. On one side of this antibiotic will provide benefits when his given right, but not impossible their use will also cause negative effects, such as poisoning, when antibiotics are given less precise.
1. Meaning Antibiotics
Antibiotics could mean an active substance derived from microorganisms or synthetic (artificial) that can be used in low concentrations to inhibit or kill the organisms, whether bacteria, mycoplasma and protozoa. In particular antibiotics used for treatment of infectious diseases. Antibiotics work by breaking the chain pressed or the body's metabolism in microorganisms. Unlike disinfectants that kill germs by creating an environment that is not appropriate for these germs.
Antibiotics Alexander Fleming first discovered in 1928 and named it penicillin G. Originally accidentally mold growing on the stocks of bacteria on Petri dishes that forgot to clean. On the growth of mold, bacteria were not growing, this condition stimulates Alexander doing research and from there discovered antibiotics.
Characteristics of an antibiotic that has activity inhibit (bacteriostatic) or kill (bakterisid) pathogenic microorganisms. Also be selective toxicity of antibiotics, which antibiotics are safe for the chicken, but it is poisonous (toxic) for pathogenic microorganisms.
Antibiotics in the proper dose will be able to actively kill germs and have a relatively safe therapeutic index. Therapeutic index derived from a comparison of the dose that resulted in death or harm (lethal dose) than the effective dose to eradicate the disease (effective dose). The value of the higher therapeutic index indicates the safe antibiotic for chickens. This can mean harmful antibiotics have a very high dose and with a small dose of antibiotics has been effectively eradicate germs.
In the world of poultry, antibiotics can be used for the treatment or prevention of disease. In addition, there are several antibiotics that function as growth / egg promoter.
2. Antibiotic Group
When this has been found so many antibiotics, both natural (natural) or synthetic (artificial). Antibiotics can be classified into at least three groups of antibiotics based on the spectrum of work, the nature and chemical structure.
Based on the employment spectrum, antibiotics are grouped into 2, namely:
a. Narrow spectrum
This group of antibiotics work only active against certain bacteria, namely Gram (+) or Gram (-) only. For example, groups active peptides that only work on bacteria Gram (-). Makrolida Group also has a narrow spectrum of work, is only effective for Gram (+) and mycoplasma. Antibiotic dosage is relatively rare, usually antibiotics are formulated in combination with other antibiotics that have a broader spectrum. Tysinol and Tyfural are examples of preparations containing antibiotics with narrow spectrum of work.
Narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be used when working diagnosis has been confirmed. And working power of this antibiotic would be more optimal if the disease is caused by one type of bacteria.
b. Broad spectrum
This antibiotic has the ability to kill several kinds of bacteria, namely Gram (+) as well as Gram (-) as well as mycoplasma and protozoa. This class of antibiotics commonly used when symptoms of sick chickens or not specific as to disease prevention at the stable conditions uncomfortable. Chicken that was attacked complications several types of bacteria can also be treated with broad spectrum antibiotics with this.
Fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and sulfonamides is a class of antibiotics that have a broad spectrum of work. Medion products which have a broad spectrum of work including Proxan-C, Proxan-S, Neo Meditril, Trimezyn, Sulfamix or Tetra Vita Chlor.

Based on the nature, antibiotics can be divided into bacteriostatic and bakterisid. Antibiotics that are bacteriostatic works by inhibiting bacterial growth through the mechanism of protein synthesis constraints. These antibiotics will reduce the concentration or amount of bacteria that infect and therefore under the boundary concentration to cause clinical symptoms.
As with antibiotics bakterisid who worked to kill bacteria. The mechanism works by inhibiting the formation of cell walls and cell membranes and inhibit the formation of DNA or the cell nucleus.
Antibiotics that are bacteriostatic among other groups makrolida, tetracycline, sulfonamides and diaminopirimidin contained in Tyfural, Coxy or Doxyvet. Aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, penicillin and peptide is a class of antibiotics that are bakterisid. Examples of products include Gentamin, Vet Strep, Proxan-C and Neo Meditril.
Based on their chemical structure, antibiotics can be divided into 8 groups, namely penicillin, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, peptides, makrolida, tetracycline, sulfonamides and diaminopirimidin.
1. Penicillin
Penicillin is an antibiotic that is bakterisid (kill). Latest derivative of antibiotics were first discovered in 1928 that effectively eradicate the bacteria Gram (+) and Gram (-). Antibiotics are the result of Fleming's discovery is easily absorbed by the body through the intestine and rapidly entered the blood.
Antibiotics including -lactam antibiotics is working on bacterial cell walls and binds to penicillin binding protein. This mechanism would lead to bacterial death. Amoxitin and Ampicol have the active ingredients of this antibiotic.
2. Aminoglycosides
Antibiotics that contain acids and glycosides of this work directly on bacterial ribosomes, the cell membrane and inhibit protein synthesis so that the bacteria will die (bakterisid). Antibiotics can not be absorbed through the intestine so that for purposes of systemic treatment applications performed injection (shots), both subcutaneous (under the skin) or intramuscularly (see-through wall or muscle).
When given, this will work optimally antibiotics eradicate the bacteria Gram (+) and Gram (-). Only when there is renal impairment, as in the case of Gumboro infection and infectious bronchitis (IB), the use of these antibiotics should be avoided because it will trigger a more severe kidney damage. Examples of drugs containing aminoglycoside antibiotic class is Gentamin, Kanamin and Vet Strep.
3. Fluoroquinolones
Antibiotics is becoming known in 1962 by Lesher. In the application, the dosage of drugs containing fluoroquinolones class of antibiotics are widely available. Proxan-S, Proxan-C, Neo Meditril, Doctril and Coliquin is an example of the class of fluoroquinolones antibiotic dosage.
When the "contact" with the bacteria, flouroquinolon will attack the cell nucleus (DNA) of bacteria by inhibiting the enzyme DNA gyrase. This mechanism would lead to bacterial death (bakterisid). This antibiotic has a broad spectrum of work, both against Gram (+), Gram (-) and mycoplasma.
Application of administration can be done orally (through the digestive tract) or injection, either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For medicine to work optimally avoid the presence of minerals / metals such as Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Al3 + in drinking water that is used to dissolve the drug because it can decrease drug absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.
4. Peptide
Antibiotics are working actively to kill (bakterisid) Gram (-) by damaging or inhibiting cell membrane. This class of antibiotics are not absorbed by the intestine so that its location is local. The drug class of peptide antibiotics containing only relatively rare, usually combined with other groups to improve potency and spectrum of work, such as Amoxitin and Tycotil.
5. Makrolida
Class of antibiotics is effective to overcome the bacteria Gram (+) and mycoplasma. Antibiotics disrupt the process will work through the mechanism of protein synthesis binds to the 30S ribosome.
6. Tetracycline
Tetracycline is an antibiotic that is bacteriostatic (inhibits bacterial growth) by inhibiting protein synthesis by binding to the 30S ribosome. Antibiotics which were first discovered by Lloyd Conover has a broad spectrum of work, which can overcome bacterial infections Gram (+), Gram (-) and mycoplasma.
How to tetracycline class antibiotics application can be done through oral or injection (subcutaneous or intramuscular). It's just that if given orally should pay attention to the metal content of Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Al3 + as it can reduce absorption while in the intestine. Feed supplement containing minerals should be given at different times with fluoroquinolones and tetracycline antibiotics, such as giving antibiotics in the morning till evening and supplement at night or after treatment ends.
Medion has produced drugs containing antibiotics from the tetracycline class, including Doxyvet, Koleridin and Tetra Vita Chlor.
7. Sulfonamide
Sulfamix, Coxy, Trimezyn and Respiratrek is Medion products containing antibiotic from the class of sulfonamide. Gerhard Domagk found antibiotics has been widely recognized by society, including the community farm.
This antibiotic is bacteriostatic, which inhibit bacterial growth. The mechanism through inhibition of synthesis of folic acid that interfere with bacterial growth. When given to chickens either through oral or injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular), an antibiotic that has been used since 1933 will be able to overcome bacterial infections Gram (+), Gram (-) and protozoa. To be more optimal working power, while the administration of drugs with the content of these antibiotics should not be given supplements of vitamin B and / or amino acid. Furthermore, when chicken kidney disorder should avoid the use of these antibiotics. The chemical structure of one class of sulfonamide antibiotics
8. Diaminopirimidin
This class of antibiotics are bacteriostatic. Mechanism of action of this antibiotic is to inhibit the synthesis (formation) of folic acid. Gift effectively to such attacks Gram (+) and Gram (-). Application can be taken orally or injected, either subcutaneously or injection. Antibiotics are usually combined with a sulfonamide group to improve its work and reduce the level of bacterial resistance to both these antibiotics. Both antibiotics have a synergistic mechanism of action, mutually reinforcing. Trimezyn, Respiratrek, Erysuprim and Antikoksi is Medion products which contain a combination of both antibiotics.
Class of antibiotics that have been mentioned earlier can be formulated in the singular or in combination. The purpose of this combination, among others, increased their power and spectrum of work, reduce side effects and minimize the occurrence of resistance. Only this combination can not necessarily be done, rather than a combination that does not comply will lose its power. Terms combinations of these antibiotics can be mixed physically, chemically and pharmacologically. Physically mixed antibiotics can mean both a homogeneous mixed
Chemically mixed: when antibiotics are mixed with non-harmful chemical reaction occurs between them, which is usually characterized by a distinct color change of the two colors of products, the deposition or formation of gas
Mixed pharmacological ie no interaction between the two antibiotics that cause the decrease or increase the potential side effects or toxicity
Looking at these requirements, it would be much better if we restrict the mixing of antibiotics by themselves, without complete knowledge. Not a necessity if not precise combination of antibiotics will actually reduce the potential or power works. Most products are available Medion drugs in combination so that we can use an existing product.
A. Application Antibiotics
Our knowledge about antibiotics become our base to select the right medicine. In order for this to work optimally antibiotics we should understand the principles of treatment, namely:
1. The medicine must match the types of diseases that attack. Each drug has different effects and specific to each disease. However good the way the administration of drugs, but if we are wrong in choosing the type of drug, it will not obtain the desired treatment effect. Example: Treatment with Ampicol or CRD Amoxitin to cope with the disease will not work because the bacteria that cause CRD, namely Mycoplasma gallisepticum has no cell wall as a receptor Ampicol or Amoxitin. Should a drug that is given from the class of tetracycline like Doxyvet for its ability to inhibit protein synthesis on the receptor M. gallisepticum (ribosomal 30S)
2. Drugs can reach an organ ill or the work site
Selection of treatment route becomes important to ensure the drug can reach the organs or desired work location. To treat severe respiratory infections and immediate effect is desired, the parenteral route (injection or injection), the top choice. If not available parenteral preparations, the oral dosage through cekok or drinking water containing drugs that have systemic effects could be an alternative choice. By selecting and applying the correct treatment route, then the possibility of defective drugs or eliminated before reaching the target organ can be minimized
3. Achieve adequate drug levels
To produce the effect of treatment, the drug must reach the minimum effective level or the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Before drugs reach the MIC, the drug will not work to produce therapeutic effects.
Levels of drug in the body is affected by the condition of the body's natural chicken itself, where chickens have different responses to the drugs included in the body. "Fate" drugs in the chicken's body can be known through pharmacokinetic test. The pharmacists and veterinarians use these test results as the basis of pharmacokinetic dose determination so that drugs can reach target organs in sufficient quantities via the route of certain medications
4. Drugs able to survive in sufficient time
Naturally, drug levels in the body will be reduced within a specified period (eliminated from the body). There are important parameters related to drug elimination rate, which is a half-life. Left half of which was given the symbol T1 / 2 is the time it takes the body to eliminate the drug as much as 50% of original levels. Drugs with a T1 / 2 short in the body will be shorter than that have a T1 / 2 length. In its application, the drug with T1 / 2 short needs to be given with shorter time intervals, for example given 2-3 times daily to maintain effective levels in the blood.
Therefore, when making a treatment we must correct in diagnosing the disease, choose the type of drugs, determining the drug administration route (oral, injection) and dose and duration of administration of drugs according to dose and use the rules listed on the label or leaflet.
Some things to avoid during the treatment process for working power or efficacy of such drugs remain optimal mix of drugs with a disinfectant because it can reduce the potential for damaging and even medicine. Also avoid using water with low quality. Drinking water with high hardness will result in the formation of complex compounds with tetracycline. High pH water can cause Doxyvet, Amoxitin or Trimezyn settle while a low pH will precipitate Respiratrek.
Antibiotics can be likened to a double-edged knife. Proper application would result in effect suppress or eradicate the seeds of disease, but given at random will hurt the chicken. Antibiotics should be given precisely for optimum workability.

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