October 22, 2010


After the chicks hatching out of the machine, it is not directly
given food or drink, if it is sent somewhere else far away.
Chicks generally will bear no food or drink during
two days because he still has food reserves in their bodies
derived from egg yolk.
In poultry breeding company, to kind of laying hens
usually between males and females immediately separated by sign-
special mark owned. The separation of sexes is called
sexing term.
For the type of broiler chicks (broiler) separation of sexes is rare
done because the farmers generally maintain broilers
between males and females together. Similarly, in child care
domestic poultry are usually not separated.
Once the chicks are separated between males and females (for chicks
type layer) will be sent to the breeder if (customer) then the chicks
needs to be selected first because not all children who have chicken
good hatch to maintain. The chicks must meet
conditions as follows:
a. Chicks should be healthier, because if the conditions are not healthy then

will transmit the disease and would be detrimental to the buyer.
b. No defects, because defects chicks usually grow

slow, high mortality and its treatment rather difficult.
c. Fur color uniform, when the chick feather color is not uniform

means of spawn-producing chickens are no longer pure.

There is a possibility of growth also will vary / not good.
d. Weight loss resulting chicks are usually between 32.5 -

42.5 g / head (for chicken) is considered good.
e. Derived from a healthy parent, because if the parent is not healthy

transmitted in chickens through the egg (such as pullorum disease) that

in turn will spread to other places with a death rate

f. Hatching time (21 days), when the chicks hatched over 21 days

should not be included in your package.
g. Navel hair dry and complete closing of the body.

In Breeding companies, after the selection and chicks

will be sent to the buyer is usually packed in

cardboard or plastic packaging. In our packaging is still made of cardboard

with the length of the bottom 64 cm and the top 60 cm,

48 cm wide at the bottom and the top 44 cm, while the high

containers 15 cm. This packaging box inside is divided into four

section with a sealed, each section is filled with chicks between 25

- 26 tail. The number of chicks in the box with as many as 102 head and

packing box has adequate ventilation because of the

top, side, front and back of the box with the given

the holes are quite a lot.
Cardboard packing box, usually only used for one time delivery.
For chicks and packaging selection is usually carried out in
pemyimpanan space (holding room) before delivery to the chicks
customers (farmers). In this box with chicks should
minimal left for 4-5 hours delivered and the original packing materials must be given
label that contains information about:
a. Date and time of hatching chicks.
b. Strains (strains) of the chicken.
c. The number of the package contents.
d. Name and address of the company.
e. Name of subscriber / recipient and address.
f. Vaccination has been done.
g. Cap company sender.
In Breeding companies, storage space chicks should
has a temperature of about 240C to avoid the influence of air
cold from the outside with a humidity of 75% to avoid dehydrasi
(Evaporation of water that is too much to cause dryness of the body).
This chick must be immediately sent to the breeder and the maximum rate has been
aged 60 hours from the time they hatch must already be accepted by
customer. During the storage of packing boxes may be stacked but
recommended no more than 15 levels.
After the chicks in the storage space normally shipped chicks
to the customer by using the truck. Trucks sender must be clean and
have been disinfected. Stacking the box with the sender's truck
should be no more than 15 and in one truck is not allowed any child
chicken that came from different companies. Temperature box
packaging during the transport preferably about 30 0C. Continued from this article can be found at

handling of chicks after hatching (part 2)

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