October 25, 2010


If the chicks are sent to the distributor (Poultry Shop) then place
storage prior to dipeternak to be qualified as

a. Chicks are not stored more than one day, but must be sent immediately

to the breeder.

b. Leisure chicks should be guaranteed and stay healthy.

c. Labels must be in one piece and easy to read clearly.
If sent directly to farmers, packing boxes containing chick
(DOC) must be in one piece, arrived at the breeder should be in the morning.
Conversely breeders who buy from companies should check
a. The number of chicks are shipped.
b. Name / type / strain of the chicken.
c. Chick arrival time (hour, date, day, month).
d. Condition chicks.
In the event of singularity-singularity beyond normal circumstances it
breeders can make a complaint to the sender to the company
get a replacement. In this regard, for chicken
the company sold from this breeding them in good health
(1) Any new eggs taken from the cage must be fumigated prior to

entered the house of hatching.
(2) eggs from cage tray, egg tray of the incubator where they hatch

chick incubator and a train that has been used should

clean and dihapushamakan before used again.
(3) Any person who will be entering the hatchery should be sprayed

with disinfectant and changed his clothes with clothes

A clean before entering the house hatching.
(4) Every company nursery, the parent must be free of pullorum disease and

mother has immunity to diseases ND.
(5) other provisions issued by the government that should be

obeyed by the company Breeding.
For those breeders who incubate the eggs for its own purposes, in
small quantities with simple hatching machine, chicks hatched
should immediately be placed into the cage maintenance that has been
prepared beforehand. Tetas Machinery and equipment washed and
in the fumigation will be used if returned.
The steps are:

- Remove the chicks from hatching machine.

- When the chicks laying species, separate between male and female

based on the color of their feathers.

- Children who are not suitable for chickens reared (disability, not Currency

shining, dry feet, the navel is not dry) should be rejected.

- Prepare a packing box chicks. (When will be sent to another place).

- Enter the chicken into the box with as many as 102 individuals.

- Save the chicks in containers in the storage space

240C temperature for 4-5 hours before delivery (a few

box with no more than 15).

- Truck carriers will be used to transport the chicks,

should be disinfected. (Prepared).

- After the chicks are stored in a storage room for 4-5

hours, then the packaging box that contains the chicks can

pengankut placed on trucks for shipment to

farmer / customer.

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