November 18, 2010

Energy Use in Broiler

Many students, practitioners and ranchers who interpret energyas one of the nutrients in animal feed. Since word of this energyoften written side by side with protein, fat, fiberand other nutrients. And energy itself is not nutrition, energyis the heat generated from the metabolism of several nutrientsnamely carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, energy remainsbecome one of the 'nutritional factor' to obtain performanceoptimal broiler.
There are 2 basic things you need to know about energy breederin broiler feed:1) Until now, the energy in raw materials that can be analyzed isgross energy, while those used by the broiler is a net energyor what we often refer to as energy metabolism. MetabolismThis energy is used in animal feed formulation system. That isME value is not obtained from the laboratory, but obtained from equation(Formula) that has been tested by experts and animal nutrition researchers.2) Influence of energy deficiency in performance is huge.The biggest influence on broiler chicken is worsened FCR.At the time of energy per kg of feed is less than demand, then the chickenwill eat more to keep the body's energy needs.Although chickens eat more weight gainnot increase. And this makes the fulfillment of needsenergy becomes more expensive and reduce the 'value' of energy itself.
As for energy use in broiler can outlinedivided into 2 parts:
1. Principal Life Fulfillment (Maintenance)- A. Energy for metabolism (basal metabolism) Anywayalso the process of digestion, absorption, reproduction, the process incells and all kinds of processes in the body of birds frequentreferred to as the metabolic process also requires a permanentEnergy needs for basal energy metabolism of growingincreased with increasing weight of chicken (surface area),although the requirement per kg of body weight became lower.
- B. The increase in body heat due to activity metabolism Processprotein and fat will also increase body heat chicken,at the same time, the chicken need energy to maintainbalance body temperature. Corn produces heata higher heat than oil, this isone of the reasons some experts recommend replacingfat energy source to heat stress at the time.
- C. The increase in body heat due to 'thermal regulation' At the momentcage surrounding environment is high, then the chicken body temperaturealso increased. To lower the body temperature of chickenwill drink more, in the chicken's body itself is energyused to neutralize it.
- D. Energy in feces and urine energy is wasted asendogenous energy in faeces and urine is the absolute valuethat can not be at bargain anymore.
- E. At the Immune Response of broiler chickens infected with adisease, then some nutrients will be used to improveendurance. Glucose in the blood also decreased, thereforeenergy for growth was also partly be used formencover conditions like this. Provision of sugar water to tasteto increase energy intake, especially at the time of consumptionfeed down is necessary.
2. Energy for Production
- A. Forage tissue growth made in such away that the amino acid composition to meetchicken needs. However, proteins that enter thechicken's body must be broken down into amino acids, beforeabsorbed by the body. After that amino acids willused for the formation of tissue(Meat, feathers and other body tissues) and thismuch needed energy.
- B. The addition of fat and carbohydrate storageFat metabolism is simpler in nutrient bandngkanother, excess fat is stored in the body inshape as well fat. So also with carbohydrates, ifThese excess nutrients are stored as fat reservesin the body of birds.
- C. Because eggs and semen harvested at a relativelyyoung broiler chickens has not reached the reproductive periodwhich itself requires energy for the formation of cementand eggs. After all energy calculations forbroiler chickens may not equal exactly to the needs ofchicken, given the many factors affectingincluding environmental conditions and health of the chicken itself.However, the nutritionist must strive tomore appropriate or provide a higher energy thanneeds during a normal environment.

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