November 19, 2010

MAKING STEPS broiler chicken house

for the manufacture of broiler chicken houses that need attention are:
1. rooffor roofing materials that use lightweight, inexpensive and is notdeliver heat. Quite well as a roof tile. If forced tousing the tin roof just below the coated zincwith bamboo, plywood can also be used so that heatcan be inhibited.
2. enclosure wallenclosure wall used fully open system and coated wirebirds or woven bamboo for birds, mice, or cats notcan enter. Birds should be kept so do not carelesslyentrance. The wall is open it will greatly assist ventilation,expel foul air from the cage and replace the airfresh. Also to keep the temperature in the cage is not high.
3. large cageadjust the cage to be built with a number of chickenwill be maintained. Do not force yourself to build a cagea large but little ability.
4. high cageaverage height from floor to roof a minimum of 7 meters, whileheight from floor to roof height as low as at least 4 meters.
5. spacious roomaverage living space or floor area for chicken broiler nine tailsper meter Persagi. Thus the vast space that willtinggak provided multiplied by the number of chickens that willkept in the cage.
6. ventilation and temperature of the cagebroiler chickens in the area of europe and the united states maintained atcage temperature between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. Whereasin tropical areas like Indonesia 28 to 35 degrees Celsius.When floor litter is getting wet and humid then the need for ventilationmore and more.
7. direction of the cagefor broiler chickens in Indonesia, the wall of the cage madefacing the rising sun. While the other side of the wallface sunset. This reduces the "fug"in the cage and prevent the possibility of seedling growthdisease, lice, and the humidity caused by the floor litter.

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