September 22, 2010


At one time the eggs are produced need to be stored for several days
since in tetas machine is full. Under these conditions, eggs
do not store more than one or two weeks because it requires
special handling to maintain its tetasnya, including:
a. Storage Temperature.

Egg storage temperature should not be too hot or too

cold. When the temperature of the hot environment (> 270 C) embryos will

growing, but growth was not normal and most die

before or after being in hatching machines. Conversely if

stored at a temperature that is too cold it will hatchability

decreased. A good egg storage temperature is about 18.30 C

when eggs stored no more than 14 days. When the eggs are stored

more than 14 days, then the storage of eggs of about 10.50 C. Before eggs

stored, must be fumigated prior typically use

KMnO 4 and formalin 40%.
b. Humidity Storage.

During the storage, eggs from the preformance will happen

evaporation which causes the air cavity in the egg becomes large.

To prevent this evaporation can be done with

increasing storage humidity. Humidity storage

A good egg is about 75-85%.
c. Old storage.

When eggs are stored for too long, then hatching will continue to decline.

Therefore, on the condition of the company usually eggs hatched in

2 times per week. Thus the eggs are put into

tetas machine is the age of 3 days, 2 days, and one day. According to

some research results, a good egg storage duration is about

1-4 days.
d. Position Eggs During Storage.

Eggs should be placed on the egg tray with the blunt

placed on top. This is to keep the air space in

eggs remain a blunt tip. As it is known that the air space

This is needed by the embryo for its development. When the location

air in the room shifted from the tip blunt, egg hatchability will decrease.
e. Screening eggs during storage.

When the eggs are stored more than one week, the eggs should be played with

total playback 900. For eggs stored less than one

weeks, the playback is not required.

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